Who are we 

This is a company run by David Hughes a Surveyor with 25 years experience in the industry

David has extensive experience in all aspects of surveying  and a highly respected expertise in Mechanical & Electrical/Communications and has extensive contacts with people who actually know what they are doing and talking about as opposed to those pretending to. After producing the bills of quantities for Bond Street Station it was acknowledged by Crossrail that this was the best document they had  had produced for them



Domestic / Commercial / Land / 

Schedule of Rates

Pricing documents for non fully designed projects 

Cost Planning 

All types of projects  

Bills of Quantaties

Civil / Architectural  / Mechanical & Electrical

Model Girl 5

Date centre 

Model Girl 5

Materials on site 

Imperial Museum 

Imperial Museum

Tender Analysis 

Post tender analytical comparison of tenders sent back by the contractors, you will find the cheapest is not always the best option 

Project Management 

Get us involved at the begining of a project and we can advise on the best way forward but we can fire fight if a project has gone wrong for what ever reason 

Expert Witness Service

David has personally spoken as an expert witness at a state inspectors inquiry on cost


Of work done usually on  a monthly basis but on small projects two weekly including photographic and film records 

Model Girl 5

LUL Sprinkler System 

Model Girl 6

Machine chamber Kings Cross 

House stripped bare 

External works pre prep school

Final Accounts 

Finalising final account figures with the main contractor or sub contractors 

Capital Allowances 

Often Undervalued because accountants don't understand the full extent of what they can claim 

Condition surveys 

Mechanical and Electrical condition surveys


Advice on what's required to get you to the level you require or need 

Model Girl 5

LUL Control Room


Model Girl 6

Industrial Kitchen


Roof of Electric Mansions 

Chillers Pestana Hotel